We are very pleased that the Intergovernmental Committee of UNESCO has decided on 30 November 2022 to inscribe "The Practices of Modern Dance in Germany" on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Bureau Ritter - at the time the project executing agency of TANZFONDS ERBE - has been advising and supporting the application and nomination process since 2018 due to its expertise in dance heritage.
Tanzfonds.de is the website dedicated to two funds initiated by the Kulturstiftung des Bundes (German Federal Cultural Foundation), namely Tanzfonds Erbe (Dance Heritage Fund) and Tanzfonds Partner (Dance Partner Fund). Although Tanzfonds Partner – a fund for partnerships between schools and dance institutions – expired in 2014, Tanzfonds Erbe has been extended to 2019. DIEHL+RITTER is the non-profit agency which was managing the funds. The archive of Tanzfonds Partner, documentary videos on the Tanzfonds projects as well as additional contributions on the theme of dance heritage can all be found at tanzfonds.de.
In 2016, as one of 28 award winners from 16 countries - and the only German winner - TANZFONDS ERBE received the EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards in the category Education, Training and Awareness Raising for its achievements in preserving and communicating the cultural heritage of dance.
Copyright is an unavoidable aspect of dealing with dance heritage. At the same time, dance is largely omitted from public debates on copyright issues. In addition to contributions to debates, we provide useful tools for dance artists.