Dance and Copyright File

Thumbnail Interview: Christoph Winkler

Interview: Christoph Winkler

In his piece Dance!Copy!Right?, the choreographer Christoph Winkler asks whether there can actually be copyright on human movement. Klaus Kieser talks to Christoph Winkler about copyright in dance.
Thumbnail Essay: Plagiarism in dance

Essay: Plagiarism in dance

There are practically no court proceedings against plagiarism in dance. You could be forgiven for thinking that the dance world is full of saints, but that’s not the case. Author Klaus Kieser discusses the theft of ideas in dance history.
Thumbnail Links


A list of text, radio and TV contributions to the topic of copyright and dance.


Why is copyright so complex for dance works and why is there no collection society for choreographers? Project director Madeline Ritter and lawyer Rupert Vogel on German copyright law.


Thumbnail Video: Jane Dudley – Dance as agitation

Video: Jane Dudley – Dance as agitation

Jane Dudley saw dance as a form of political protest. The video shows a reconstruction of her choreography Time is Money, which emerged during the Great Depression.
Thumbnail Video: Students on dance heritage

Video: Students on dance heritage

What do young people think about dance heritage? Tanzfonds asked them at the 3rd Dance Education Biennale.
Thumbnail Video: “I was way too risqué for Bonn .”

Video: “I was way too risqué for Bonn .”

Johann Kresnik talks about his beginnings as a choreographer, his controversial years in Bonn, consumer fascism and his own heritage.
Thumbnail Video: „Show your Legacy.“

Video: „Show your Legacy.“

Why dance is a serious source of information for historians.


Thumbnail Drawings from the Dance Congress 2013

Drawings from the Dance Congress 2013

Guests at the Dance Congress 2013 remember their own dance heritage. Drawings by Tiziano Jill Beck and her Graphic Recording Team.
Thumbnail Cigarette Cards

Cigarette Cards

Picture cards depicting modern dance in Germany from 1933 onwards.

Dance and Archive File

Thumbnail Essay: Incompleteness as opportunity

Essay: Incompleteness as opportunity

Dance expert and journalist Franz Anton Cramer discusses the role of archives, the potential in forgetting and the re-subjectification of dance knowledge.
Thumbnail Video: Jeff Friedman on Oral History

Video: Jeff Friedman on Oral History

The choreographer and dancer Prof. Dr. Jeff Friedman is the founder of Legacy, an oral history archive in San Francisco. In this interview, he talks about the potential of eyewitness reports for the archiving and passing on of dance knowledge.

Essay: Bodies of work and their contexts in active archives

General observations on the political dimension of dance heritage. By Helmut Ploebst

Overview: Dance archives around the world

A list of libraries and archives with sections on dance, some of which can be viewed online. The list makes no claim to completeness.