Victoria Phillips Geduld and Elisabeth Aldrich about Jane Dudley "Time is money" (1934), dance as historical archive and evidence, how dance history can be rewritten and the importance of open archives.

Victoria Phillips Geduld

is a doctoral candidate in cultural history and foreign policy at Columbia University where she received her B.A., followed by an M.B.A. in Finance. She holds two Master's degrees from New York University, an M.F.A. in Creative Writing and an M.A. in History. Her articles on dance have appeared in American Communist History, Dance Research Journal, Dance Chronicle, Ballet Review, The Routledge History of Modernism, and the anthology, Ethel Winter and her Choreography. The Centre National de la Dance published her book, ‘Dance is a Weapon.’ She curated the exhibit, "Dance is a Weapon," which toured France from 2008 through 2010, as well as Politics and the Dancing Body for the Library of Congress. She was awarded the Selma Jeanne Cohen Award by the Society of Dance History Scholars in 2008. Works on finance have appeared in the New York Times and the American Communist History among others. Ms Geduld lectures both in the United States and internationally on cultural diplomacy and dance. Until 1993, Geduld worked as a fund manager for Gilder, Gagnon, Howe & Co. Before receiving her B.A., Ms. Geduld worked as a professional dancer and performed in theatres, films and on television.

Elisabeth Aldrich

As Executive Director of the Dance Heritage Coalition from 1999 to 2006, Elizabeth Aldrich initiated the copyright and fair use project that resulted in "Statement of Best Practices in Fair Use of Dance-Related Materials" (2009). Since 2006, she has served as curator of dance at the Library of Congress. Ms. Aldrich provided the research, narrative text, and dance reconstructions for the Library of Congress’s American Memory Program Internet project, An American Ballroom Companion, c.1490-1920 and has curated exhibitions on Alvin Ailey, Ballets Russes de Serge Diaghilev and Politics and the Dancing Body which are all three online. Aldrich has provided choreography for nine feature films and has worked with film directors such as Martin Scorsese, James Ivory, Agnieszka Holland and Rob Minkoff. She is the author of numerous books and chapters.


Overview: Dance archives around the world

A list of libraries and archives with sections on dance, some of which can be viewed online. The list makes no claim to completeness.MORE


Städtische Bühnen Osnabrück reconstructed Mary Wigman’s Totentänze I and II, and used exhibitions, installations and symposia to look at the death-dance theme. MORE